Celebrating the champions

Mar 21, 2024

“Wareham’s been on the map, but you really highlighted Wareham again, against all competitors,” said School Committee Chair Kevin Brogioli.

His words were in praise of the Wareham High School basketball team, which took home back-to-back state championships with a victory over Bourne High School on Sunday, March 17.

The team is the first team from Wareham ever to win back to back state championships, said Brogioli. “That is an honor — I don’t see too many other teams doing that down the road.”

What’s more, it achieved that accomplishment by putting team glory above individual glory, he added —- Wareham’s bench players were good enough to start and win for most other teams, but their presence on the Vikings squad made it stronger, he said.

Committee member Joyce Bacchiocchi said the team represented the Wareham community in a very positive way.

Committee member Apryl Rossi said it stood out to her that so many of Wareham’s players went straight to their parents after the game. “That just goes to show…  that you really appreciate the support that they’ve all given you.”

“To say I’m impressed is an understatement,” said committee member Geoffrey Swett. He added the team is set apart for also being great students.

Committee member Brennan McKiernan encouraged the team to take the victory with them. “You guys are a team. You may have played your last game together, but that doesn’t mean your team breaks up.”

“Keep supporting each other, and just know not just the School Committee, not just the school but the community, the Town of Wareham is proud of you guys,” McKiernan said.