Meet Deneen Rose

May 1, 2024

Deneen Rose wears a lot of hats in the Wareham community. 

She’s the president of the Onset Cape Verdean Association, a member of the Wareham Cultural Council and a member of the Oak Grove Cape Verdean Cultural Committee. 

Rose is looking to add one more hat to the collection in the upcoming Select Board election. 

If elected, Rose said she wants to go out into the community and listen to the public’s concerns. 

A lot of people can’t get to Select Board meetings or watch them online, said Rose. She said she would like to hold meetings at locations throughout town where people can gather and give their thoughts on the business of the day. 

Rose said she  is also concerned with development and infrastructure in the town. 

Going through the town’s neighborhoods, she has seen a lack of progress in cleaning up abandoned buildings, she said. “Nobody’s doing anything, and I don’t know why.”

Rose said she also wants to see the town provide more support for its seniors. The current senior center doesn’t have much room for seniors to do activities and interact with one another, she said. “I think our seniors need somewhere they can go.”

She noted that seniors could also use some additional transportation support, such as subsidies with GATRA, Rose said. 

There could also be additional activities for children, she added. “There’s not a lot for kids to do in this town.” She added that while there is the YMCA, not all families can afford it, and there aren’t as many youth sports as there once was. 

“I’m here for the community: meeting in the public, hearing their voices, hearing what they want, and just basically work[ing] together for change,” Rose said.